Offer not valid for UA hardware received as part of any other promotion. All promotional fulfillment is subject to approval by Universal Audio. The following UAD plug-ins are not included in this promotion and cannot be picked as part of the free Custom Bundle: API 500 Series EQ Collection, API Vision Channel Strip, API 2500 Bus Compressor. Apollo Twin USBs are not included in this promotion.

Upon second hardware registration, customers will automatically receive their qualifying UAD Custom bundle as outlined above. Offer valid only for customers who purchase a new qualifying UA product, as outlined above, from an authorized UA retailer, within 30 days of original hardware registration. Your free UAD plug-ins will be automatically added to your account once you register your second qualifying Apollo audio interface or UAD-2 OCTO DSP Accelerator within 30 days of original hardware registration. No coupons or redemption codes are necessary. Just purchased a UAD-2 OCTO DSP Accelerator (Thunderbolt or USB)? Purchase another UAD-2 OCTO DSP Accelerator (Thunderbolt or USB) within 30 days and get a FREE UAD Custom 6 Plug-In Bundle* ! Just purchased an Apollo Twin MkII QUAD or DUO? Purchase any Apollo X audio interface (Apollo 圆, x8, x8p, or x16) within 30 days and get a FREE UAD Custom 3 Plug-In Bundle* ! Just purchased any Apollo X Interface (Apollo 圆, x8, x8p, or x16)? Purchase an Apollo Twin MkII QUAD or DUO within 30 days and get a FREE UAD Custom 3 Plug-In Bundle* ! Just purchased an Apollo X Interface (Apollo 圆, x8, x8p, or x16)? Purchase a second Apollo X Interface within 30 days and get a FREE UAD Custom 10 Plug-In Bundle*! Within 30 days of your first Apollo or UAD-2 OCTO registration, you can now purchase a second qualifying Apollo Interface or UAD-2 OCTO DSP Accelerator and pick up to 10 UAD plug-ins of your choice (up to a \$3,290 value).* Loving your new Apollo X, Apollo Twin MkII, or UAD-2 OCTO DSP Accelerator? Then why not "double-down" to create a multi-unit system and get a custom bundle of up to 10 UAD plug-ins - absolutely free! Get Up to 10 UAD Plug-Ins Free When You Purchase a Second Apollo X Interface or UAD-2 OCTO DSP Accelerator.